Katelyn left her shrunken pet, Dan, outside on the blanket for about one minute while she went inside to get a drink to find him missing at her return. She gasps and looks around. Tells him to come out because she doesnt want to accidentally step on him. Thinking of that, she then searches more on her hands and knees in hope for no accident. She breaks a stick and moves the grass around with it. Dan is found! She gasps at the mess hes gotten himself in and gently wipes him off with her fingers. She hopes shes not hurting him with her big fingernails or large size. When hes clean she tickles him while laughing and smiling very big. Then she pokes him! She tickles and pokes him more and more having a great time with him in her palm gently tormenting and teasing him. After shes done her playing with him she wraps her palms around him and carries him inside.