Hailey spits into your open mouth laughing! Spit on your face! Thats cause youre a monkey bitch and deserve to get spit on your face! MmmHmm! They do! Cause youre a loser! And losers get spit in the face! Yes they do! Hailey says continuously taunting you! Dont you know that nobody likes you?...Youre so disgusting! she says spitting on you! Ah haha I got it all over you, it splattered! haha thats what you get cause youre such a loser! I hope you got it in your eye! Did you get it in your eye? Good! You know what? You deserve it! Now open your mouth! Hailey shouts out as she spits in your mouth again! I hope you get cancer from that! she says. Youre such a loser! LOSER! This is whats written on your forehead! L O S E R cause youre a loser! Once shes done verbally tearing you appart and spitting on you she doesnt want to see your face anymore! She steps on your wet saliva filled face! End of clip for you Monkey Bitch! EVER WONDER WHAT A DAY OUT IN THE PARK WITH HAILEY WOULD BE LIKE? WELL HERES YOUR CHANCE TO FIND OUT! PRODUCED AND DIRECTED BY HAILEY SO YOU KNOW ITS GOOD! NOW BUY IT AND TAKE ALL THE ABUSE SHE DISHES OUT AT YOU! INCLUDES A FUNNY SHORT BLOOPERS SCENE AFTER THE CREDITS OF HAILEY ATTEMPTING TO SPIT IN WALTERS MOUTH, ONLY MISSING AND GETTING HIM SOMEWHERE ELSE!