Awww, so you think youre in love do you?You found the woman of your dreams...Pah! And thats even after she saw that skin tag you hide so effortlessly in your boy shorts?What? She told you that shes not just about the physical?That she loves you for all of you?However little the all encompasses once we get in the trouser department?Faaark! I knew you were stupid and you believe all the girly magazines that you read for reassurance. Its not just the size its how you use Some women are just tighter down Hahahahah! you dumb fuck! Keep telling yourself whatever you want to hear. Because Im sure you realise without needing to be told that sex for her is an obligatory - and painlessly short - chore. You dont need me to tell you that she settled in a big way when she went for you! Whats that thing they say? Oh yes, Short in the trouser department long in the Ok yes you got me there. They dont say that. But I wish they would lol! She doesnt love you! And in fact right now shes probably shagging the next thing with a tasty cock. News aint you!
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