Key Owner October 2, 2018 The moment you slipped on that chastity device, you knew it would be safe because you hold the key. I know you take it off from time to time. Today…
Ball Destroyer February 25, 2016 Hey loser, Ive not seen you in a while, infact Ive really missed having fun destroying your balls. So we need to make up for lost time. Come closer,…
Endurance Challenge October 4, 2015 Here you are once again, ready for another fix. You are becoming more and more addicted. You deny this of course, but in this clip Im going to prove…
Saffron’s Boot Bitch April 5, 2015 Its pathetic how powerless you become in the presence of a boot wearing Goddess like myself. The magnetic pull on your little brain from a pair of…
Ball Busted In A Nightclub March 17, 2015 I slip into my sexy clubbing dress and hit the town for a night of dancing in a nightclub. I then get approached by you, a total loser. Haha you…
Weak For Stockings Part 2 March 10, 2015 Best viewed after watching Weak for Stockings Part 1.You have been visiting me, a sex councillor to overcome your crippling stocking fetish. I make…