Candice didnt want to shoot indoors so she brings me outside. Not just to do foot fetish scenes either! She wanted to do EVERYTHING outdoors, including ass squishing, facesitting, ass smothering, you name it! This girl was out to embarass the hit out of me! In this first clip she used me as a park bench! I cant believe she sat on me in front of so many people! We even had to stop shooting a few times! In the clip theres a scene where 2 girls were walking by and you could hear one say OH MY GOD! as they both witnessed me being USED as a public bench! I was so embarrassed I wanted to dig myself a hole to hide in! To make things worse she even complains! Youre so skinny it kind of makes it uncomfortable! She must of called me skinny like 20 times that day! She just tore down any self worth I had left! I felt no different than a bench seat at that point! Its so funny when people were passing by! Walter hates that! haha, right Walter? Candice says laughing at how insignificant I look being sat on in front of everyone in plain sight! NOT ONLY WERE THERE PEOPLE IN THE PARK WITH US BUT ID ALSO LIKE TO MENTION THAT WE WERE IN PLAIN SITE OF A BUSY STREET WITH MANY PASSING CARS WHICH YOU WILL SEE IN THE BACKGROUND! THERES NO TELLING HOW MANY PEOPLE MIGHT HAVE WITNESSED ME BEING SAT ON! CLIP TIME 4:58.