Mistress Gaia – Stiletto Girls

Today DungeonRoma, Im joined by my beautiful mistress friend and we are going to have some exercise while enjoying making our slave suffer. Wearing our sexy silky pantyhose, along with beautiful stiletto heeled shoes we approach our slave. He is lying on his back on the floor, and has been instructed no to move. We begin by pressing our sharp heels into his body, and watch him squirm in pain. Then we decide to use the trapeze, its a great way to allow both of us to balance ourselves and dance our sluts body. Using the trapeze. we can change how much weight he receives, along with the pressure applied with our razor heels. As we continue our trampling, hes squealing a bit too much, so we both take turns at standing on his face and head. What a blast we are having, as we swing and stamp on our bitch and make him squeal and suffer under the razor heels of the beautiful stiletto .