After a hard days filming, I went to my spa for some relaxation. As I brought my slave along to carry my bags, I decided to make him even more useful. However, I didnt bring my camera so I decided to film using only my mobile phone. As I playfully enjoy bathing, I call my slave over. He thinks hes going to be allowed to relax. Not Im going to have some unusual fun with him. Of course, hes going to suffer for me. As I have him in the water, I place my feet over his body and coerce him down until hes completely submerged. I need to see how long my bitch can last. He struggles for breathe and I allow him to surface. Only to quickly push him under again, this time holding him with my feet over his face. He splashes to try to come up, but Im too strong for him and keep him under water. I can see his cock, and its quite a throbber. What a strange place to get a erection, while being tortured under water. I had no idea how this would affect my bitch. I continue using my feet to make him suffer, holding his nose between my toes. With his hand on his cock, he eventually orgasms in the water. What a filthy slut!! Its the first time I have had a slave cum and generate orgasmic .
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