Once again I have my slut of a Slave in my dungeon. I gave him a simple task. He was told to wash all my dirty pantyhose, and panties. I arrive to find him looking at some of my correction equipment. He is so intrigued, he doesnt even notice I have arrived. I soon get his attention with a nice lash of my belt across his back. Im not happy with this stupid slut. As I empty out the bag of washing, I order him to his knees and tell him he will be severely punished for dosobeying me. I give him a good thrashing with the belt. Then I ask him if he remembers what I want from him. He mumbles something that I dont understand. Another couple of lashes with the belt still doesnt seem to make him speak clearly. So I decide to help his hearing by tightly grabbing him by the ear, and slowly walking him around the laundry that on the floor. I continue by changing to his other ear. This should make sure he listens to what I say to him in future. With a couple of nipple twists, I soon have him on his knees. I tell him to open his mouth and begin to stuff my soiled panties into it till he chokes. I so enjoy that gagging sound. Then I get some of my panties and place them around his mouth and head. Giving him another couple of lashes with my belt to make sure he suffers. I tell him to remain on his knees, and pick up the rest of my panties. What a stupid .
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