Lisa buys new ice skates and she wants to go out to ice rink to try them. But Alex says that he dont have mood for that. So Lisa tells Alex that she will try them on him instead. She shod ice skates on her slave and tie the shoelaces. After that Lisa stands on the Alexs belly on ice skates with her full weight 62kg 137lbs. He screams but Lisa only laughs at him. Then Lisa notice that Alex dont scream alot and find out that she forgot to remove tiny ice skate guards from the razors. After that Lisa removed them and stand on the poor slave with her full weight with steel razors. Now Alex screams well! Then Lisa decides to give slave a rest and tells him to lick her ice skates razors. When Alex is finished with both razors and boots Lisa stands on him for one more time with full weight and open steel razors to have a great fun while Alex screams in pain.