Handcuffed and pinned beneath a table leg with Cadence sitting atop sure looks painful! Walter groans in pain as Cadence giggles with joy! Im really enjoying this! The fun has just started! Cadence comments on how hes beginning to turn purple! While sitting atop the table she rubs her foot in his face as he suffers beneath her crushing weight! Are you enjoying this as much as I am? she asks! She shuffles her bum further up the table moving ever closer to the corner as he grunts in EXTREME pain! Now sitting at the edge of the table she stands on his chest while still grinding her foot into his face! Its pretty deep in there! Cadence comments looking at how deep the table leg has dug into Walters poor skinny stomach! Hes slowly being impaled as she looks on amused while perched atop the table! Cadence gets off only to trample him beneath her feet as he suffers and films her while being trampled and impaled for her financial gain! Towards the end Cadence uses his body as a stepping stool to sit back on the table. Sitting at the corner of the table directly above him she begins to bounce with her fullweight as his face turns colors! The table itself weighs approximately 45 pounds, plus add her weight of approximately 125 pounds! But according to Cadence thats not enough! She walks off and brings her big heavy school bag filled with books! She swings the school bag over her shoulders and heads back to the table thats impaling poor skinny Walter and sits on it once more! His legs kick up and his face turns purple as she sits atop with her fullweight! She even kicks his head down as it raises in pain! CADENCE TAKES THE WORD MEAN IN MEAN BRATS TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL! MUST SEE! clip time 6:40.