Eva Gold is a new girl. She is 20yo, and 164cm 55 tall, and 48kg 106lbs weight. Her footsize is 37eu 7us. She stomps Alexs body in her black street ballet flats. She also stands on the slaves belly, chest, and even face! Eva Gold is not heavy, but she do a lot of things that makes Alex suffer, for example she stands only on one foot and on tiptoes on the slaves belly. After that Eva Gold takes off her sweaty ballet flats and put one of them on the Alexs nose and attachs it with the duct tape. Then she stands on Alex and continue tramples him barefoot. Do you think its easy to breathe with a shoe on your face? Eva Gold tightens it very firmly so Alex needs a lot of power to make even a single sigh. Also smell of her ballet flats are so because Eva Gold is walks in them all summer and you can only imagine how it But slaves torment is not over. Eva Gold stands on the Alexs face with her full weight and only on one foot, while her flat shoe is still on his mouth and nose! She flattened slaves nose with her feet and makes his head dive into the sofa. When Eva Gold feels that Alexs breath became very hard and intermittent she finally gives him a rest.