I am in Wrocaw once again, at the SICI vol. 2 party. This time Im wrapped in a white carpet. To my delight, it turned out that almost all the girls, or at least 80 of them, are new participants. We can assume that almost all of them had never done trampling before because it is not very well known over here. The girl in grey shoes on low heels is a very large woman, although you cant tell by looking at her calves. She gave me the biggest workout during the party by jumping all over me. The girl in high heels with a lot of leather was very afraid of hurting me at first. Then you can see how she relaxed and got into it. She even invited her friend to join her in trampling me. After another session with the girl in grey shoes jumping on me, I decided to switch places with my friend. Now he will be lying on the floor. In this part he was trampled twice while I was trampled 53 times. Time: 20,43 min.