I demanded an extra-payment from the slave - additional to his regular monthly payment - and he gave me 300 Euro - only 300 Euro! I dont care if he is just cheap or simply didnt have more money - but I know that he is kind of afraid of any kind of smothering breath play - so thats what Im going to use to punish him! First I wrap his body and arms together so hes completely unable to move - then I start to wrap his head in cling-wrap as well and hes starting to get really afraid. I punch a small hole in the wrap where his mouth is so he can breathe - a little. Then I roll one of the 50 Euro bank notes into a pipe - stick it into the whole and start to play with his breath. Later I take the bank note out and just smother him with my hands. Maybe that will teach him a lesson not to disrespect me with little payments next time!